(585) 544-2041
Cremation with Peace of Mind (registered)
In New York State, the laws that govern funeral homes say that "One may not own a Cemetery or Crematory if you are a Licensed Funeral Director."
We know and understand that there have been scandals in our country especially right here in Rochester that give families a deep concern about selecting cremation. We have created this pamphlet to explain to you the steps we take here at our funeral home to guarantee you have Peace of Mind and know that the cremated remains returned to you are those of your loved one.
1. When your loved one is transferred into our care an identification bracelet is issued to them to ensure security and identification.
2. An arrangement conference will be scheduled to sign all necessary paperwork for the cremation process. During the conference you will select a stainless steel disc that has its own unique Identification number on it. This identification disc will be placed with your loved one by you or a funeral home representative and will remain with your loved one throughout the cremation process.
3. Family Identification - Our staff will bathe your loved one and dress them in clothes provided by you or a gown that we provide. We will then ask if a family member or a representative of your family to positively identify your loved one. This is when the identification disc will be placed with your loved one.
4. Procession to the Crematory- Once the identification has been completed and the identification tag has been placed we will ask you to accompany your loved one to the crematory with us. This also helps with closure as they witness their loved one being brought to the crematory.
5. Once we arrive at the crematory additional paperwork is generated to include the name of the deceased, date & time of cremation, signatures from funeral director and crematory. The crematory now has custody of your loved one. A second identification tag from the crematory is placed on the cremation container as your tag is inside of the container. We now have 2 ways to identify and track your loved one. All log paperwork will be placed on the outside of the cremation unit during cremation process.
6. After the cremation has taken place, the cremated remains are placed into a temporary container. The 2 identification tags are then secured to the outside of the container so that the crematory operator, Licensed Funeral Director and family may be able to visually identify the cremated remains. Paperwork is once again signed by funeral home when they receive the cremated remains into their custody.
7. Our staff will then notify you once the cremation process is complete and that your loved one is back into our care. We will provide you with a private room for you to receive your loved one and may take as much time needed at no additional charge.