(585) 544-2041
Veteran Benefits

At Harris Funeral Home, we honor our veterans by assisting their families with obtaining all Veterans' Benefits, Social Security benefits and Life Insurance Benefits.
However, veteran benefits are not paid automatically. You must contact the Veterans Administration. Our staff can assist you and file the claim on your behalf.
Here is some helpful information from the VA website:
What Are VA Burial Allowances?
VA burial allowances are partial reimbursements of an eligible Veteran's burial and funeral costs. When the cause of death is not service related, the reimbursements are generally described as two payments:
- a burial and funeral expense allowance
- a plot or interment allowance
Who is eligible?
To be eligible you must be a veteran discharged or separated from active duty under conditions other than dishonorable, and have completed the required period of service. U.S. Armed Forces members who die on active duty are also eligible, as well as spouses and dependent children of eligible living and deceased veterans, and of current and deceased armed forces members.
How Do You Apply?
We will contact the Veterans Administration and apply for all benefits on the Veteran's behalf. Generally, all we need to begin the process is a copy of the Veteran's honorable discharge (DD-214).
Our staff will then fill out VA Form 21-530, Application for Burial Benefits and should attach a copy of the veteran’s military discharge document (DD 214 or equivalent), death certificate, funeral and burial bills.
How Much Does the VA Pay?
For a Service-Related Death, the VA will pay up to $2,000 toward burial expenses. If the Veteran is buried in a VA national cemetery, some or all of the cost of transporting the deceased may be reimbursed.
For a Non-service-Related Death, on or after October 1, 2011, VA will pay up to $700 toward burial and funeral expenses (if hospitalized by VA at time of death), or $300 toward burial and funeral expenses (if not hospitalized by VA at time of death), and a $700.00 plot-interment allowance (if not buried in a national cemetery). If the death happened while the Veteran was in a VA hospital or under VA contracted nursing home care, some or all of the costs for transporting the Veteran’s remains may be reimbursed. An annual increase in burial and plot allowances, for deaths occurring after October 1, 2011, begins in fiscal year 2013 based on the Consumer Price Index for the preceding 12-month period.
To learn more visit http://www.benefits.va.gov/BENEFITS/factsheets/burials/Burial.pdf